VAT Exemptions in the UAE

In the dynamic economic landscape of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), grasping the intricacies of Value Added Tax (VAT) exemptions is paramount for businesses and individuals alike. These exemptions, designed to promote economic growth and affordability, require a comprehensive understanding to navigate effectively. In this detailed guide, we will explore the various VAT-exempt sectors in the UAE, provide practical guidance on applying for VAT exemption through relevant portals, discuss compliance implications, and offer valuable tips for confidently navigating these exemptions.

Understanding VAT Exemptions in the UAE

Since its introduction in 2018, VAT has become a crucial component of the UAE’s fiscal framework, with a standard rate of 5% applying to most goods and services. However, certain sectors and transactions enjoy exemptions to stimulate specific areas of the economy and enhance competitiveness.

VAT-Exempt Sectors:

  1. Financial Services: Financial institutions in the UAE encounter nuanced VAT treatments. While some services incur the standard 5% rate, others, particularly those compensated through implicit margins, are exempt. Understanding these distinctions is vital for financial entities operating within the UAE.
  2. Residential Buildings: VAT exemptions for residential buildings aim to spur property development and homeownership. The ‘first supply’ of residential buildings within three years of completion is zero-rated, while subsequent supplies are fully exempt. However, VAT recovery on associated costs is not applicable.
  3. Bare Land: Land devoid of completed structures enjoys VAT exemption, encouraging investment in undeveloped areas. It’s essential to note that non-compliant land usage may subject it to the standard VAT rate.
  4. Local Passenger Transport: VAT exemptions for local passenger transport services promote affordability for residents and visitors. While most such services are exempt, select leisure-focused trips may attract the standard rate.
  5. Tourists: The UAE’s VAT refund system for tourists enhances shopping and tourism experiences. Eligible tourists can claim refunds on purchases, bolstering the country’s reputation as a premier tourist destination.

Partial VAT Exemptions and Alternative Apportionment Methods

Businesses operating in the UAE often find themselves navigating the complexities of VAT recovery, especially when dealing with a mix of taxable and exempt supplies. Recognizing the limitations of the default input-based apportionment method, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has introduced alternative approaches to better suit diverse operational needs.

The default method, relying on input tax, may not always accurately reflect the usage of goods and services, particularly in sectors like banking, life insurance, real estate, and passenger transport. In response, the FTA offers businesses the opportunity to apply for alternative apportionment methods.

These alternative methods, including output-based, transaction count, floorspace, and sectoral approaches, were introduced in December 2018. Aimed at aligning more closely with actual consumption patterns, they provide a fairer mechanism for VAT recovery. Businesses can apply these methods retrospectively at the end of the tax year or for each taxable period upon approval from the FTA.

Failure to adopt an alternative method in a timely manner may subject businesses to heightened scrutiny, potentially triggering a comprehensive VAT audit in the subsequent year. Discrepancies uncovered during such audits between recovered input tax under the default method and potential reclaims under a more precise approach could signal improper use of the default method, inviting further investigation from the FTA.

It’s crucial for partially exempt businesses to assess whether the default method accurately reflects their taxable activities. Delaying the adoption of an alternative method could lead to complications, including the possibility of facing an extensive VAT audit.

The introduction of these alternative methods underscores the importance of ensuring VAT recovery processes are compliant and reflective of actual business operations. Obtaining approval for an FTA-sanctioned method provides businesses with the assurance that their VAT recovery practices are accurate and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Difference Between Zero-Rated and VAT-Exempt Sector

Understanding how VAT works in the UAE is crucial for businesses and consumers alike. One key aspect to grasp is the difference between zero-rated and VAT-exempt sectors. While both involve not charging VAT, they operate under different rules, with significant implications for businesses.

Zero-rated VAT means goods and services are taxed at a rate of 0%. This doesn’t burden the final consumer with VAT charges, but it’s still considered a taxable supply. The perk for VAT-registered businesses is that they can claim back the VAT they paid on their expenses for producing these zero-rated items. This can have a big impact on their costs and pricing strategies.

On the other hand, VAT-exempt sectors don’t involve any VAT at all. When a business provides an exempt supply, they can’t charge VAT to the customer, and they can’t reclaim any input VAT they incurred during the process. This can lead to higher operational costs for businesses, as they have to absorb the VAT on their inputs without being able to offset it against their outputs.

The Federal Decree-Law Number 8 of 2017 lays out the specific items that are exempt from VAT in the UAE. These exemptions aim to lighten the tax burden on essential services and sectors. For example, certain financial services, like certain bank transactions and financial products, are exempt from VAT, as outlined in the Executive Regulation of the Decree-Law. This helps support the economy’s infrastructure.

Another significant exemption is for the supply of residential buildings, whether they’re sold or leased. This exemption, except for those that fall under specific clauses of the Decree-Law and are zero-rated, aims to make housing more affordable for residents by not adding extra tax costs to home prices.

Local passenger transport is also exempt from VAT. This covers various modes of transportation for passengers within the UAE. By not imposing VAT on these services, the government aims to encourage mobility for residents and visitors, ensuring that public transport remains an affordable option for commuting and travel.

Applying for VAT Exemption

Required Documentation for VAT Exemption:

  1. For Diplomatic Entities:
    • Diplomatic Note
    • Copies of Diplomatic ID Card and Passport
    • Adherence to reciprocity principle
  2. For International Organizations and Regional Offices:
    • Compliance with Seat Agreement terms
  3. For Businesses:
    • Valid trade license
    • Identification documents (e.g., passport or Emirates ID for authorized signatories)
    • Proof of authorization
    • Contact information
    • Bank letter verifying account details
    • Additional documentation may be required based on the nature of the exemption (e.g., financial statements, revenue projections, supporting financial records).

Submission Procedure for VAT Exemption:

  1. Diplomatic Entities:
    • Submit registration request through MoFA portal.
    • Ministry acknowledges receipt and initiates processing.
    • Successful registration enables application for tax refund.
  2. Other Entities:
    • Register on FTA’s portal and activate EmaraTax account.
    • Create a new profile and provide all necessary details and documents.

Timeframe and Approval Process:

  1. Processing Time:
    • Diplomatic missions: approximately 21 working days for VAT refund requests.
    • Other applicants: about 45 minutes for application, with FTA aiming to complete review within 20 business days from receipt of complete application.
  2. Refund Issuance:
    • Refunds issued quarterly.
    • Minimum value for a single invoice: USD 54 (AED 200).
  3. Refund Procedure:
    • Refunds transferred directly into designated local bank account.
    • Cash refunds not provided.
    • Approval process involves thorough verification of all documentation.
    • Applicants notified once application is approved and exemption or refund is processed.

Compliance Implications and Record-Keeping

In the realm of VAT-exempt transactions, meticulous record-keeping is paramount for businesses operating in the UAE. Comprehensive documentation of all financial transactions, regardless of their VAT status, is essential. This includes transactions within Designated Zones, where unique VAT treatments for goods may apply while services remain subject to VAT. Businesses must preserve tax invoices, credit notes, and any pertinent documents that substantiate the provision or receipt of goods or services. Furthermore, it’s crucial to record goods and services consumed for personal use, ensuring accurate documentation of taxes incurred on these items.

VAT Exemptions and Audits

The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) in the UAE employs a self-assessment system and conducts audits to ensure voluntary compliance with VAT regulations. During audits, the FTA may meticulously examine records, scrutinize tax returns, and request third-party information to verify compliance. Detailed accounting records and commercial books are necessary to establish an audit trail substantiating tax liability. Typically, the statute of limitations for FTA audits is five years, extendable by up to four additional years, should an audit or assessment notice be issued within the initial period. Audits may be initiated due to various factors, such as discrepancies in tax positions, unpaid taxes, or inconsistencies in returns.

Implications of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with VAT regulations can have significant repercussions for businesses in the UAE. The FTA imposes fixed and proportionate penalties for record-keeping or VAT compliance lapses. For instance, an initial failure to maintain necessary records can result in a penalty of USD 2723 (AED 10,000), with subsequent lapses leading to higher penalties. The importance of precise and readily available VAT-related documentation cannot be overstated. It is imperative for businesses to ensure their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and accounting systems are updated to effectively manage VAT processes and avoid substantial fines associated with non-compliance.


To effectively navigate VAT exemptions in the UAE, staying informed about regulations, diligently maintaining records, and utilizing available resources are paramount. By adhering to compliance requirements and applying for VAT exemption confidently through designated portals, businesses and individuals can leverage VAT exemptions to bolster economic activities in the UAE.

With Blackstone Business Consultancy at your side, businesses can confidently navigate the intricacies of VAT exemptions in the UAE. Our expert guidance ensures compliance and efficiency, empowering businesses to optimize their exemption strategies and mitigate risks effectively.

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At Blackstone Business Consultancy, we share the same dream with every business owner who wants to provide their knowledge and services to the world by operating a reliable company in the Middle Eastern market. We are committed to becoming the entrepreneur’s first and most reliable choice by establishing their business and offering cost-effective solutions.

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